I believe we are approaching a shift that will occur during this summer period. You can feel it in the (spiritual) air. That's why I am posting a part of my newsletter in which I described the things the Lord showed me last March in Krakow, Poland.
'SHIFT HAPPENS - New Era Of Transformation
End of March I was in Krakow, Poland for several days for a European Church Roundtable meeting on discipleship and church foundation. The theme was believing Jesus for whom He really is and what He said about who we are: kings who have to rule over everything!
See Genesis 1: 26-28: God's first words to mankind; this blessing is multiple:
3. FULFILL the Earth
5. REIGN over ... .
God's purpose for humanity here on Earth is to REIGN as kings on Earth!
On my way to Krakow, the Lord spoke to me to meditate on Ezekiel 1 and the word 'whirlwind' stood out to me. This 'Throne Room vision' by the prophet Ezekiel speaks about how God in our time - to New Testament believers - is residing in and over us with His presence. When reading that chapter, you can discern different 'layers' of the spiritual realm attached to Ezekiel (us) when God is making His habitation to us! One of those layers of spiritual manifestations to us, is Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Armies swirling around the believer as a whirlwind.
A whirlwind in the bible represents 'Open Heaven bringing': a) revelation (hearing the Word of God), b) ressurection, c) judgment or d) destruction of evil (2 Kings 2:1, 11; Job 38:1; Ezek.1:4ff; Job 40:6-42:10; Prov. 1:27; Jer. 23:19; Isa. 66:15; Jer. 30:23).
During my stay in Krakow, the Lord highlighted the word 'transformation' to me. I did a quick research on this word and found the following:
'In social and behavioral sciences, as well as spirituality, the term is used to indicate profound, sustainable processes of change; in particular a fundamental and structural conversion of harmful thinking and counterproductive behavior of groups and individuals. Conversion to another belief or belief system (conversion) is perhaps the most extreme form of this.' (Wikipedia)
'a complete or major change in someone's or something's appearance, form, etc.' (- Merriam-Webster)
The word 'transformation' is synonymous to the Greek word 'metamorphism', where the word metamorphosis comes from. Metamorphosis means:
'changed form in relation to inner reality' (- Wikipedia)
'properly, transformed after being with'; 'transfigured' (- BibleHub)
So, when praying further into this, I understood the following:
the Lord is about to shift this Era into a new Era of transforming His Sons by Christs' Presence into His Viceroy!
The presence of the Lord will come over the Spirit-filled believers by the Holy Spirit and angels encircling them, to guide, protect and collaborate to destroy the strongholds of darkness, in order that King Jesus be Lord over all of society.
Perfect peace shall be your portion while doing these great deeds of glory!
'In other words, do not let yourselves be conformed to the standards of the ‘olam hazeh. Instead, keep letting yourselves be transformed by the renewing of your minds; so that you will know what God wants and will agree that what he wants is good, satisfying and able to succeed.' (Rom.12:2).
When renewing your thinking, you apply what He says about you, in order to know your purpose in the Body of Christ to fulfill by standing in the God-given authority.
Even science provides evidence that when one experiences revelation, it is precipitated by an inner posture which sustains a measurable biological change. Plus revelation RESULTS in transformation which also produces a measurable biological change. What a wonderful confirmation to what Jesus said: "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words (rhemas) that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life" (Jn. 6:63).
The last couple of years, King Jesus took us through the seasons of BEING ('be fruitfull' and BECOMING ('multiply'). Now, He's introducing us unto the season of DOING ('fulfill, subdue & reign' - see Gen.1:28).
I sense and hear of a remnant of the Church is entering this season as well.
Do you want to be fruitfull in everything you do and see your fruitfulness multiply? Do you long to enlarge your impact in society and subdue spiritual strongholds? Reigning from Jesus' Love over everything to restore, edify and glorify His Name?
I want to challenge you to pray daily Genesis 1:28 over your life; over all the domains of your life (family, disciples, relationships, finances, visions, property, influence, ...) and watch what will happen!
God's Kingdom must be felt in our society, throughout all spheres! Through His Apostolic Spirit He gave us the order to go out.
As son of the King, you honor Him by asking His heart's desire:
the dominion over the nation(s)!
- see Psalms 2'